domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

Are those gangs, street gangs, or simply groups of young people who dress similarly, they have common habits and meeting places could be called urban tribes. The band has in common similarity. When individuals come together voluntarily, for the pleasure of being together, searching for like, this is a band. Involves looking at the "fellows" modes of thinking and feeling identical to themselves, without necessarily being aware of it.


Original emo culture born in the 80's as a musical style derived from hardcore punk American, palabre "emo" comes from Emotional hardcore music. Currently his music is more commercial and best known representative is My Chemical Romance and Green Day (although many people are not located in this group as emo). 
· Typical attire: Hair slicked covering part of the face, piercings, Converse sneakers, wristbands, badges, hoodies, tight shirts (usually black) and shorts in sight. 
· Interests and activities: They are mavericks and pessimistic minds. They care deeply about their appearance and speak out against fashion (although paradoxically be emo is fashion) often have a tendency to question the meaning of things and often do not believe in religions. One of his most repeated phrases is "emo is born, not made." 
 · Musical Groups: Today the most popular emo groups are My chemical romance, Blink 182, All american reject, Silverstein, Panic! at the disco.

Source: Also known as flogers or floguers, are mostly teenagers who frequent social networking Web sites like where relaccionan hanging pictures and comments. This cibertribu emerged in Latin America, specifically in Argentina with the expansion of the Internet in most homes around the world. Some people relacciona this tribe with the emos, although his philosophy is really quite different. 
 · Attire characteristic: Converse style shoes, skinny pants (with the lower leg pants tighter than common), large and brightly colored shirts. They usually wear their hair neither long nor short (bob), with bangs. 
 · Favorite Genre: The floggers are linked to the "glam style," and listens mostly referred to as "glam rock", whose name comes from glamor. However this has not cibertribu musical tastes can be so marked as the heavys or punks who listen more concrete.  
· Interests and activities: The social pages provide youth the opportunity to communicate, people concoct, share photos, videos and even flirt on the net. When style "Messenger", you may have added to your friends, talk to them and see their changes and developments in the profile of each person. The most famous with Fotolog, Metroflof, Facebook and Myspace in America in Spain. 
 · Ideology and violent tendencies: They have no ideology nor predefined often violent.

From: born in England between 1976 and 1977 as opposed to the decadence of culture. · Presence is now: Not many, but there are too radical. Areas and usually meet in bars themselves, sometimes mixed with skins, heavies and gothic, but need not necessarily get along with them. 
· Attire characteristic: They are easily distinguishable, brightly colored crests, leather jacket, several hoops in his ears, tattoos, spiked bracelets and military boots. Usually wear black shirts and sweatshirts, with cap and any band or any social theme. They can wear jackets or bombers, which hit a patch or paint pen slogans and symbols (anarchy, squat, socialist star, sickle and hammer, ...).
 · Genero musical: It is the only tribe who created his own style of music (in the world is the most representative group Sex Pistols and Argentina, Attaque 77).
 · Ideology: anarchist, squatter, anti-militarist, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist and anticapitalist. 
· Violent Tendencies: They tend to be quite vilentos, his enemies are neo-Nazis, fascists and zposh with that cause numerous brawls.

Above all writers are social by nature. They come from everywhere, from all neighborhoods. They can be found from college students, graduates, turners, self-employed, gastronomic up fighters. Its main contradiction is regarded professional artists and not have to switch his artistic work with some work. This, they say, would make fans feel and not what they want. Do not discard the term "amateur" but argue that as an opera singer, an artist, a poet or a critic of art, or a musician need time to devote to make music, produce texts, radio promotion in or TV and culturally nurtured. Many others are sitting on the curb in the neighborhood, giving chase to what happens every day to feed their texts. They also represent the marginal world, but marginalized, relate mostly good Cuban stories which come about every day in Havana neighborhoods as Atarés, San Leopoldo, victory or Key West where he has the largest percentage of the capital's population. Stories also addressed by a "rough" José Luis Cortés, another chronicler of our times. Stories that enjoy great popular support and that a minority who consider themselves "critics" are trying to crush every single day.

 Origin: England in the early seventies, as extremist radicalization hippie ideology and union between aesthetics and hard rock music. Hence its name, Heavy metal, or heavy metal, reference to the intense metal sounds (electric) produced by musical groups. 
 · Released in Spain: The late seventies, with sporadic appearances in previous years. 
 · Presence now very large, this is one of the tribes known but would perhaps be more correct to say that style is more widespread, especially in provincial towns and the popular classes. 
 · Typical attire: tight jeans, long hair, studded leather jacket, T-shirts emblazoned with musical idols and / or symbols of death.  
· Genre: Heavy metal, in its various referral: trends, but above all, the original groups of the seventies, such as Led Zeppelin and Iron Butterfly. Many Spanish groups are present on this front, from all national latitudes. 
 · Interests and activities: Outputs weekend, music, concerts, cannabis. 
· Ideology: Antimilitarista and antiauthoritarian, especially as resistance and disobedience rather than an aesthetic ideal horizon of a daily practice. 
 · Trends violent: Usually scarce, channeled into musical expression, but with many exceptions, given the extent of the phenomenon and frequent musical excitement and / or chemical (mainly alcohol, beer and cannabis derivatives).  
· Evolution Group: Stable, but constantly fluctuating due to the presence of many musical subdivisions. In general, it is more intergenerational subculture known.

 · Origin: Culture similar to emos, but based more on aesthetics and a view of life more positively. The Pokemon emerged in Chile at around year 2006-2008, together with the emos, are widespread especially in Latin America. They are generally known as "Pokemon", but before they used popularized this name calling of other ways such as "HxCitos".  
· Attire characteristic: As a tribe derived from emos, dressed almost alike. The main difference is that clothes are colorful, with bright pants and brightly colored accessories. 
The Pokemon inherit many of their ideas of the emos, differing from those that see life from a positive point of view. In the article on emos addresses the issue further.

1 comentario:

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